
Dosage Form : Water soluble powder

Composition :-

Each 100gm contains: –

Sulphaclozine sodium               30 gm


Sulphaclozine is an antibiotic belonging to the group sulphonamide. like all sulfonamides, Sulfaclozine is a competitive antagonist of para-aminobenoic acid(PABA), aprecursor of folic acid, in protozoa and bacteris

Sulfaclozine has a wide spectrum of activity against all important species of Eimeria causing caecal and intestinal coccidiosis as Eimeria acervuline (Upper small intestine. And in turkey E.necatrix (Small intestine), E.tenella (Caecum) and E.brunetti (Lower segment of the gut), E.adenoides (Small intestine, caecum and large intestine) or E.meleagrimitis (Duodenum and small intestine), and bacterium haemophilus paragalinarum which cause infectious coryza.

Indications :-

Pigeons: Infections caused by E.labbeana and E.columbarum

Non-egg laying chickens, turkey: Infections caused by E.acervulina, E.necatrix, E.maxima, E.brunetti, E.tenella, E.meleagrimitis and E.adenoides.

Target Species
Warning & Precautions
Adverse Effects
Withdrawal time

Target Species

* Pigeons, not allowed in pigeons for human consumption * Non-egg laying chickens * Turkey


Route of administration: Should be administered in the drinking water. During the period of treatment vessels or supply tanks should be filled daily with fresh drinking water containing Opi-Closine For Whole Product: Pigeons: 2 gm/ liter per day, during 6 days Non-egg laying chickens, Turkey: 1.67 – 3 gm/liter per day, 2 times in drinking water.

Warning & Precautions

Severely ill animals have an alteres drinking water intake. In case of an altered drinking water consumption in poultry and pigeons, the concentration should be adjusted so that the recommended dasage will be achieved. In relation to sanitization and contact dermatitis. Direct skin contact and inhalation during the application should be avoided. To this end, wear a dust mask and gloves.


Not to be used in anaemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia

Adverse Effects


Withdrawal time

Non-egg laying chicken:    18 days Turkeys                                28 days


Store at temperature not exceeding 30⁰ C in dry place & use for 5 days after opening when stored at temperature not exceeding 30 ⁰ C in dry place & use immediately after reconstitution.


Aluminum foil sachets (Layers from inside to outside Low density polyethylene, Aluminum low density polestar) contains  250gm powder with an outer label